Tuesday, March 12, 2013

If I could go anywhere in the world ....

If I could go anywhere in the world and do anything, where would I go and what would I do        Well, I love traveling and visitting new places. If I could go anywhere in the world I would choose to go to " FRANCE" and it definitely will be Paris. I've never been to France before and it's has been in my mine for ages. There is a lot of things that I really want to do there but the most important thing is SHOPPING !!! I love shopping so much !!  France are famous about shopping, and its a place where all the luxury brands are from. I've heard that all the luxurious brand is more cheaper than anywhere else because of that it make me want to go there even more. I will shop till Idrop ;). My family was planing to visit France before, we already got our visa and plane tickets ready but something came up into my mine and made me change my mind about going there. Ofcourse now I feel regret ! I should have go at that time :(

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rewind or Pause ?

For me, I would choose a rewind button because when I was young I did a lot of mistakes and things that I wasn't proud of. I'm want to go back in time and change it make it better. I actually don't feel bad or regret about things that I've done. It does teach me lesson and I have learn from it , but if I have a chance a would go back and make it better. Rewind button is not only for me to go back in time and change things but its also for me to go back to all of my happy moments that I had. Things that I want to change would be going back to my high school life and study harder, not always fight with my sister and be a good daughter for my parents. For my happy moments I would go back to the time when my parents are still together, all the party that I had with all my friends, and  go back to my life when I was a child when you have nothing to be worrying about. I never regret about things that already been done. It does teach me lesson and made me who I am today. but if I could rewind it I will make it better..!

Thing that I would uninvent..!

If I could uninvent one thing in the world I would uninvent " FAT FOOD". I would uninvent it because It's not really good for our health and it make people gaining their weight. Isn't it a bit annoying that you have to be worried about what you're eating all the time. I mean it would be much better if we could eat everything we want without getting fat. Fat food in a sense, I mean those food that making you fat such as delicious desserts, fast food, food that contain lots of carb etc. Life would be much easier if all kind of food is healthy. Just imagine isn't it a good thing that eating a piece of cheesecake in the middle of the night won't make you fat, eating pizza or hamburger everyday won't be able to make you gain weight. If it happen that way people wouldn't have to exercise to be healthy. I'm a person who   gain weight easily, it would be great if all kinds of food won't make me FAT :)